How this came about
I created this charity storytelling structure for a workshop on behalf of writers’ group 26 at the Bloomsbury Festival.
If you share it, I’d appreciate it if you could include my name and Wordspring website address.
While you’re here, you might like to know more about:
- My work for charities.
- My charity appeals for the Environmental Investigation Agency.
- A harp and creative writing workshop I ran for the East End WI.
If you’d like me to write a charity appeal for you or run a similar workshop, do get in touch.
Client testimonial
“I can heartily endorse Fiona as a fabulous copywriter, interviewer and sensitive handler of stories. She’s a whizz at crafting brilliant content quickly, knows how to prompt readers to action, and is delightful to work with.”
Susan Tranter, Head of Content + Creative, Asthma + Lung UK